
GTM: Add hamburger menu to Tag list

Sholto 7 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 6 years ago 3

Would be great to be able to access the hamburger menu normally only available once you open the Tag within the overview list. Would enable quick copy/delete/pause/etc from the full list of tags. 

Not sure if this is possible but would be amazing time saver when taking over accounts and making large amounts of edits to clients. 



This is similar to this other request: https://support.davinci.tools/communities/1/topics/77-add-pausecopydelete-options-from-within-tags-trigger-variable-list

I have started working on it - for now, Pause/Unpause will work in the next release.

Under review

I really like the idea - I will have to see if it's possible.


Only been using the plugin for a week or so but loving it!
Thank you for all the great features. 


This is similar to this other request: https://support.davinci.tools/communities/1/topics/77-add-pausecopydelete-options-from-within-tags-trigger-variable-list

I have started working on it - for now, Pause/Unpause will work in the next release.