
Add Pause|Copy|Delete options from within Tags, Trigger, Variable List

Thomas Bosilevac 6 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 6 years ago 8

This would save a little time when needing to go down and Pause\Copy a bunch of Tags (or others).  From a UX perspective, Pause and Copy would likely be the "safest" and I can see the UI with two small buttons much like the Refund Transactions within GA.  Plus, I imagine we would want a confirmation for Deleting an element anyway.

It's on its way!

The Pause/Unpause will be coming up in the next release.

Clicking on the green circle button will pause the tag, and clicking on the yellow pause one will re-enable it. Behind the scene, it simulates user clicks so the same validation rules are applied.

Ohhh nice!  Now that is a heck of a response time too!

And notice the nice tag icons - for easier spotting of tags types (I also added proper icons under Triggers and Variables). I will make a new release early next week.

So I think I see the revised icons, however, I do not see the pause \ unpause.  I am on version 2019.4.30
So excited!!!

Cancel that ... I see it now, just took a few logouts and such.    NICE!


Yes, indeed, it will be visible the next time you refresh the whole page after installing Da Vinci. Also, if you change options, you need to refresh (I might be able to change that in a future release)