
Refund transaction not working when HideMe is disabled

Anders Ekelund 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 4

Hi Stéphane!
First let me say that this feature is awesome. Just what i was looking for.

I think I found a bug though.

When I uncheck the "Hide Me" feature of the addon (for Analytics) It will fail to authenticate when I try to refund a transaction. The chrome console error points to that you are trying to get the UA-id from the HideMe element and when it is not there it fails.

From console:

From galaxy.js:

Cheers and thanks again for a great feature!




    I fixed this - and I suspect this might have had a side effect on the other bug you reported. When building the revert/refund request, it does a GA Reporting API request to retrieve the transaction details. If the UA wasn't right to do the request, all amounts were likely 0 or there was a JS error and building the refund/revert request failed.


    Good catch! I will fix that for the next release.

    I just tried activating the "Hide Me" (putting the slider off) and the Revert/Refund worked, but I think what you mean is actually disabling the feature, so in this case, Hide Me won't show up at all and indeed, I suspect the Revert/Refund won't work because it tries to take the UA value from there. I will fix that.


    I fixed this - and I suspect this might have had a side effect on the other bug you reported. When building the revert/refund request, it does a GA Reporting API request to retrieve the transaction details. If the UA wasn't right to do the request, all amounts were likely 0 or there was a JS error and building the refund/revert request failed.