
Heat map

Andrey_Pol1991 6 years ago updated 5 years ago 4

Hi from Russia!

I don't get how to activate a heat map http://prntscr.com/p4u6n1, so i see no button to push on.

Is there any secret button or i should buy something... help pls.


Under review

With the latest version I just released, you should see something like this - there's a thermometer icon which you can click to toggle between various styles of heat maps. If it still doesn't work after upgrading to v2019.9.11 let me know.

Under review

With the latest version I just released, you should see something like this - there's a thermometer icon which you can click to toggle between various styles of heat maps. If it still doesn't work after upgrading to v2019.9.11 let me know.


now its ok) thanks