
Please don't cut the axis on the bar charts

Dorian 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 2

Have a look at 22 vs 14. There's no way this bar chart is an accurate representation of the data. It is almost a deal-breaker for me

Image 263



I just made a fix which will be available in the next release.

  • When there's a single segment, no date comparison, it will correctly use the column total.
  • If multiple segments, it will use the total of the last segment for a given metric (tip: put your biggest segment last).
  • If comparing two date ranges, it will use the highest total of the two date ranges.
  • If multiple segments AND comparing dates, it will use the highest total of the two date ranges, but only for the last segment listed (tip: put your biggest segment last...) - that one was getting pretty complicated to parse... maybe I will spend more time to fix it later.

Under review

No need to throw the deal breaker argument here :)

It's probably an issue when you compare two segments (or two date ranges), I will look into it.


I just made a fix which will be available in the next release.

  • When there's a single segment, no date comparison, it will correctly use the column total.
  • If multiple segments, it will use the total of the last segment for a given metric (tip: put your biggest segment last).
  • If comparing two date ranges, it will use the highest total of the two date ranges.
  • If multiple segments AND comparing dates, it will use the highest total of the two date ranges, but only for the last segment listed (tip: put your biggest segment last...) - that one was getting pretty complicated to parse... maybe I will spend more time to fix it later.