Release Notes
- Fixed: Popup design fixed
- Improved: Options won't open on update
- Improved: Redesigned popup
- Improved: Google Analytics tracking is enabled by default to improve user experience
- Improved: Updated Privacy policy
- Improved: Code improvements/Software maintenance tasks
- Hello World: First update by Supermetrics :)
- Fixed: Cancel Transaction error fixed
- Improved: GTM - Updated tags & trigger icons to include Gallery icons
- Retired: GTM Preview check for 3rd party cookie permission needs to be revisited
- Improved: Email permission is only asked if the user opt-in to share usage data to help improve the extension
- Fixed: GA Heatmap bar adjusted based on metric total when multiple segments or comparing dates
2020.2.10 - Code named "Supermetrics"
- New: Rebranding with Supermetrics!
- New: All features are now available for free!
- New: GA date picker now includes Mondays
- Fixed: GA Reverse/Refund bug fixes
- Improved: GA Reverse/Refund warning if Hide Me is also enabled at the same time (in such a condition, the request would be blocked)
- Improved: GTM Preview warning if 3rd party cookies are disabled - many people reported GTM Preview was not working and were wasting time trying to find out why.
- Improved: GTM Preview, the "Exit from Preview" button will not overwrite the container version anymore
- Retired: everything related to Rich Annotations has been removed for now, until a decision is made wether this feature is worth the investment
- New: GA Reset Segments also handles the ability to "pin as default segment for this view" so a specific segment will be shown instead of "All Users"
- New: Added a button under Options to reset all parameters to their default & clear Da Vinci cache
- New: GTM Code Block now created for new Custom HTML Tags
- Fixed: Refund Transaction/Item - fixed bug when page path didn't match regex
- Fixed: GA Hide Me regex tightened so property -10 won't be blocked if hidden property is -1
- Fixed: Validation of license now more rigorous and fixed case where license wasn't being picked up
- Improved: Dark Theme button & handling improved
- Improved: GA Reset Segments button position now recalculated and hidden if All Users is the only segment shown
- Improved: Tooltip under Da Vinci icon won't show automatically after an update - replaced by a single toolbar notification
- Improved: Users could opt-in to send usage data through GA - all of it is now removed
- Fixed: License validation issue
- Fixed: GTM Remember Me conflict with the new Templates links
- Improved: By popular demand, granular options are back...
- Improved & Fixed: GA & Ads Heat Map code was refactored and optimized so it works with all locales
- Fixed: GA Export was missing some filtering rules, licensing now enforced
- New! GA Clear All Segments - quickly get back to "All Users"
- Fixed: DataStudio auto-refresh shouldn't be active when in editing mode
- New: Subscription is now handled through Paddle.com, much more friendly and better flow
- Improved: Simplified the Options dialogue and layout
- New: Completed the OAuth Consent Screen verification process imposed by Google when using a sensible API - in this case, the GA Reporting API in readonly mode when using the Cancel Transaction/Item feature)
- Fixed: GA Heat Map breaking table headers
- Fixed: GTM Remember Me redirecting to last URL when trying to switch account
- Improved: Updated GTM tags icons
- New: Added an easy way to copy the Preview shared link
- Fixed: GTM Remember Me was redirecting to previous account when trying to switch account
- Fixed: GTM removed script setup copy to clipboard since it's now handled by GTM itself
- Fixed: GTM RegEx validation issue was triggered on non-regex fields
- Fixed: Annotations country detection for parsing numbers wasn't always working
- Fixed: Ads spinner was broken due to CSS conflict
- Fixed: DS AutoRefresh was missing after UI change
- Fixed: GTM injection issue when there's already a container on the page
- Fixed: GTM Regex validation wasn't triggered correctly
- Fixed: Options dialog not always displayed when installing
- Improved: The Options dialogue is now localized in English and French
- Fixed: In GA when clicking to add a segment it sometimes triggered the Rich Annotations flow
- Fixed: GA Export API call was sometimes missing some filters
- Fixed: Reverse/Refund handling of date range improved
- Fixed: Reverse/Refund improved request to handle case where the Transaction amount is calculated from the underlying item values
- Fixed: GTM Inject not triggering gtm.js when there was no pre-existing container
- New! Go directly to the corresponding GA Config Variable from a Tag in GTM
- Improved: In GTM, validation of a regular expression field is now on the fly
- Fixed GTM Table Lookup pasting faster and triggering onchange event
- Fixed GTM Revert transaction or item not working
- Fixed GTM Code Beautifier which was missing from release package
- Fixed GA Date picker not working for non-english locales
- Improved GTM Rich Annotations refreshed after adding a new one
- Bug fix: Fixed initial install issue which sometimes prevented the whole extension from working
- New! GTM search results can be filtered to display only Tags/Triggers/Variables
- New! You can now create a new Tag/Trigger/Variable directly from the GTM Overview pane
- New! GTM Trigger rules using Regex, or RegEx Table Lookup now includes validation of the entered regex
- Bug fix: GTM Preview now allow you to copy from the Data Layer tab
- Improved! Updated 3rd party vendor libraries to latest version
- Improved! Changed the way the extension is packaged to reduce its size
- Bug fix: minor aesthetic improvements throughout
- New! Rich Annotations for GTM
- Improved! (and Free!) You can now use the Rich Annotations Holidays & Google Algorithm Updates without associating a Trello Board, and other bug fixes and minor improvements.
- Improved! GTM Play/Pause now uses the API instead of simulating user input
- New! DataStudio will automatically show sampling
- Bug fix: GTM Injector rule often injected in wrong pages
- Privacy: revisited the privacy policy with regards to the use of Trello, Calendarific and Context APIs depending on Rich Annotations setup, and the email address used for validating subscription
- Also revised and added Knowledge Base articles
- New! Rich Annotations module for Google Analytics (other integrations coming up). More info here.
- Removed Context integration
- Bug fix: GTM Pause shouldn't be available for legacy containers
- Bug fixes & performance: Significant code refactoring, bug fixes throughout
- Licensing: Switched to monthly subscription, better protection
- Performance: Improved packaging of the extension (optimized with the Google Closure Compiler)
- New! GTM: Copy/Paste from/to RegEx and Table Lookup variables. Quick demo here.
- GTM Preview: slight improvement to UX to highlight tags that have a "still running" status
- Core: Fixed issue with license purchase
- Core: Paid features (Export API & Transaction Revert/Refund) now require a license
- Core: Switched all chrome.storate.sync to chrome.storage.local
- This version brings stability, many bug fixes and minor improvements
- Code refactoring of some elements at the core of the extension
- Bug fix: AdWords - Da Vinci branding showing multiple times
- Bug fix: make sure the update message is shown only once after a new version update
- Bug fix: GTM Play/Pause slightly longer delay to catch UI changes
- New! AdWords - Table heat maps are now available in AdWords!
- New! GTM - Tags, Triggers and Variables are now accompanied with their corresponding icons
- New! GTM Pause/Unpause directly from tags list
- Improved: GTM - Slight improvement to Code Beautifier button handling
- Bug fix: Payment feature fixed.
- New! GTM - Inject your own GTM Container on any page you want!
- Core: Code refactoring and optimization throughout brings more stability, updated 3rd party libraries to latest versions
- GA Context: bug fixes and several improvements
- Bug fixes and minor improvements in most features!
- New! Holidays and Google Algorithm Updates annotations data from Context by SweetLabs.io. See intro video.
- Improved: Core - relaxed the permissions by removing the need for profile & email access (in fact, this was never intended)
- Improved: Core - fixed/improved licensing check
- Bug: GA - Export API where filter for metric was incorrectly stated as NUMERIC_GREATER_THAN instead of just GREATER_THAN
- Bug: GA - Export API - fixed sort order
- Bug: GA - Export to Google Sheet - segment was missing, and also found out the segment IDs don't match between the GA interface and the GA API (doh!)
- Bug: GA - Transaction/Item Revert/Refund - tightened validations to try to isolate the issue some people are facing
- Bug: GA - Hide Me rule fixed to include google-analytics.com/r/collect
- Bug: GA - fixed heatmap not showing and sticky header position
- Bug: DS - changed the icon for autorefresh to an hourglass to avoid confusion with the new "send by email" feature
- New: GA & GTM - clicking on the container ID or UA will copy its value to the clipboard
- New: DS - ability to use FontAwesome. Whenever something like ${far fa-grin-tongue-wink} is found, it will be replaced with its corresponding FontAwesome icon. More details here.
- New: GA table header is now sticky if Sticky Header is active
- Improved: GA Revert/Refund significantly improved. Refer to this article for additional info.
- Improved: all modals are now using the library sweetalert2
- Improved: GA Export improved to reduce the number of cases where the generated request was incomplete
- Improved: GTM Exit Preview significantly improved/simplified code logic
- Bug: GTM Preview wasn't always showing the Exit Preview button
- Bug: Remember Me was broken
- Bug: GA Sticky Header on/off flag wasn't handled correctly
- Bug: GA - clicking on left-side menu wasn't always getting rid of the drilldown
- Bug: GA Hide Me was broken
- Bug: Fixed in-app purchase flow which was breaking. Note the license is tied to the user authenticated in Chrome, which might be different from the user you use to access GA/GTM/DS. This way, with a single license you can freely switch GA account.
- New: In-app payment & license check. For now, Export to Supermetrics and Transaction & Item Refund/Revert are available to all but will eventually be restricted to paid subscribers
- New: Revert/Refund transaction items
- New: GA - Export current report request to Google Sheet using GA Addon and Supermetrics
- New: GA - Remove any drilldown when clicking left-side menu
- Improved: GA - Export request to Google Reporting API request v4
- Improved: GA - Date selector now includes 90 days options & better handling
- Improved: GA - Optimized High/Low points handling which was dragging performance when lots of points were present
- Bug: GA - Fixed issue with Transaction Refund ga:date error
- Bug: GA - Sorting of Floodlight variables wasn't working
- Bug: GA - Heatmap and table compare didn't work in benchmark
- New: GTM - Keep header & left side menu fixed, also made center area use the full width of the browser
- Bug: GTM - Dark theme was not applied when using expanded editor
- Bug: GTM Preview - Fixed Exit Preview button not being shown
- Improved: clearly stated simplified privacy policy & full version
- New: Refund/Revert transactions
- Fixed: GTM - when viewing changes there shouldn't be a code beautifier button
- Improved: Updated Google Suite icons when clicking on Da Vinci logo in the toolbar
- Fixed: GA - sort custom dimensions & fields button wasn't always showing up
- Improved: authentication now let you switch account & improved workflow
- Fixed: GTM - Remember Me was conflicting with GTM Preview shared link
- Bug fix: Important performance issue related to the validation of enabled options
- Bug fix: Analytics.HeatMap persistence was breaking background colour in some cases
- Bug fix: Analytics.ConfidenceTest wasn't available for custom reports
- Bug fix: Analytics.HeatMap wasn't handling currency values
- Improved: Analytics.HideMe & TagManager.HideMe handling
- New: Analytics.HostPrefix fixes pop-up links in reports when you use a filter to prefix Page with Hostname
- Improved: Analytics.HeatMap now persists your selections!
- Toggling options are now applied when reloading a page (instead of browser restart)
- Bug fix: GTM Code beautifier was broken
- New: GTM shortcuts (ctrl+shift+1st letter of button)
- New: GTM dark theme editor
- Improved: slightly modified options layout
- Overall code refactoring bring stability & tighter integration
- GA Remember Me was sometimes breaking history
- GTM table sorting was breaking regex lookup tables
- GA Hide Me wasn't always working
- GTM Preview didn't always remember the open/close state
- GTM Preview tag type icon was showed multiple times in some cases
- Da Vinci was interfering with the Add New User function
- GA Sticky Headers: improved
- GA Heap Map wasn't handling decimals or negative values, affecting colour grading scheme
- GA Export API code refactoring - much more powerful
- GA & GTM name in title wasn't always set
- DS auto-refresh now includes a countdown
- Da Vinci was interfering with Add User
- New feature: GTM Preview Exit
- Notice shouldn't show on new installation
- GA Sticky Header wrongly applied on some pages, fixed height of sticky part
- GA A/B Test picker reloading page instead of allowing user to pick values
- Branding font color too dark for 460 users
- GA feature - Date Picker: add several options to the date selection drop down;
- GA core: simplified trigger rules;
- GA features: fixed many cases where feature was disappearing;
- GA feature - Head Map: added head map to Behavior/Experiments report
- GA core: fixed Notice showing twice, and auto-hide after 20 seconds
- GA feature - Sticky Header: was not sticking! :)
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