
Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project.

Michal 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 2

Hi, I have a problem with Google Analytics reverse: Request had invalid authentication credentials. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/web/devconsole-project.

Image 247


The upcoming release should help reduce the number of times where this happen. If not, I will have to dig again into it.


Short Responsive Ads fields

Moak Designs 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 5

At first I thought it was Google Ads feature issue but then I noticed as I attempted to send the screenshot included with my feedback, the fields returned normal, so I disabled Da Vinci Tools on Google Ads and sure enough, the fields went back to normal size. After re-enabling the extension, the fields were shortened. 

Can you fix so it doesn't shorten the fields in the ad editing screen? Thank you in advance.

Image 223

Image 222

Good catch! Of course, it was a CSS conflict but this time, caused by the 3rd party vendor I'm using called Popper Tooltip.

There's currently a pending release awaiting Google's moderation (and God knows how long it can take!), so this fix will be available in the following release.


Offer to insert an IIFE template in Custom HTML tags

Olivier VIT 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 3

It's good design to avoid inserting global persistent JS variables into the DOM
Then in many situations you could put your code into an IIFE and your variables vanish after the code has run


But it's a pain to type it in by heart
Offering to insert it would be nice

(function () {

Done! It will be there in the next release.


Bug: If GA property ID ends '-1' and is blocked, other properties that include this e.g. '-10' are also blocked.

Stu Bowker 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 4

Looks like the regex used is open ended and acts as 'contains' rather than 'exactly matches' the property ID.


I have found the culprit - it's fixed for the next release.
Of course, it was a regex issue where -1 could match -10... All I had to do was to add a \b (word boundary) to make sure it won't match partial property id's (and I fixed the same issue for GTM too).
Thank you!


Always apply a given segment by default, instead of all users, per view

Olivier VIT 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 8

Some customers are highly exposed to spam data / bots for example, or have a very small number of customers that can distord data by being recurring buyers with very high basket amounts
It can then be required to exclude such trafic, and most of the time the only way is to apply a segment (this works mostly for 360 customers). But end users can forget to apply that segment and then sometime be confused while looking at unfiltered data.

Da Vinci could help ensure that a given segment is always applied when looking to a given view, in place of "All Users"
=> always enable that segment

=> warn when the segment has been disabled in the current report

What do you think ?


I have changed the icon to use a pushpin instead.
The proposed label would be too long for the size of the popup - so I will just use "Pin/Unpin as default"
Clearing the default is as easy as "unpinning" it, or pinning another one.


Sorting of previous period in analytics

Rasmus Thomsen 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 3

Option to sort data in Google analytics on basis of the compared date period


I was thinking of an a better/easier alternative:

  • in Data Studio, connect to your Google Analytics data source
  • Add a Date Range selector to your report and set it to "Last 28 days"
  • Create a table with the Search Query dimension and Clicks, Impressions and CTR metrics
  • In the Data setup of this table, add a "Compare date range to previous period"
  • Tweak the report to your liking :)

It it close, but sadly, DS doesn't allow you to sort by the "delta" column or turn it into a heatmap to easily spot the major changes. But still, I think it might be easier to find the major changes.

I know it would be possible to create exactly what you are looking for using Tableau and some calculated fields. 


Quickly reset segments to "All Users"

Simon Rumble 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 7

One of the most annoying UI things about GA is that to get rid of a single segment is easy. Click, drag out, release. The delay between doing that and it refreshing means doing it four times is a pain. What's more you can't remove the last one.

Feature request: A single-click icon next to the segments to clear them all and return to the All Users segment only.


Fixed for the next release - which is pending approval by Google (might take a couple of days!)


Export features not showing up

PLYO 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 2

I'm trying to export a view from GA to Sheets, but the export functionalities aren't showing up, see screenshot: https://tppr.me/DXP0h

What to do?


For some odd reasons difficult to pin-point, sometimes features like Export aren't loaded. A refresh of the page solves this problem.


We really need granular feature activation options in Da Vinci Tools extension

Olivier VIT 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 3

Since release 2019.9.18, the extension offers only Google product level global feature activation.
For example, either you get all enhancements for Google Analytics UI, or none of them.
This isn't suitable !

  • You may not like some of the feature / not require them all / not adhere to the changes it provides
  • Many feature affect the interface layout, you can't restore the original GUI and do screenshots to share to users without the extension (they will question why they don't see the same thing)
  • You may face a bug with one feature, and then can't disable that single feature to keep using the extension, you need to fully disable the extension

As of now I just can't keep using that extension while a few of its features are really really helpful daily !


Done - I have reverted the changes I made in the latest version so people will be able to individually choose the features they want. This fix will be available in the nest release.


Odd formatting for Acquisition columns

John McGowan 5 years ago updated by Supermetrics Support Team 5 years ago 3

Tried on several accounts and on several standard reports, disabled Da Vinci extension and the issue disappeared:

Image 210


Fixed for the next release.